+387 51 247 100 , бесплатна инфо линија 0800 50 116 callcentar@elektrokrajina.com
Izaberite stranicu


Rate conditions for active and reactive electric energy in higher season (winter – VS) are applied from October 1st till March 31st, according to part of a day:

– Higher rate (VT) from 06.00 till 22.00h

– Lower rate (MT*) from 22.00 till 06.00h


Estimed power Higher rate (VT) Lower rate (MT)
I Rate group 4.95 0.1044 0.1044
II Rate group 7.80 0.1304 0.0652


Estimed power Higher rate (VT) Lower rate (MT) Reactive energy
I Rate group 13.22 0.0708 0.0354 0.0355
II Rate group 20.25 0.1675 0.1675
III Rate group 20.25 0.2094 0.1047 0.0426
VI Rate group 28.35 0.1044 0.1044
VII Rate group 28.35 0.1304 0.0652 0.0426


In keeping with rules of time counting, inserted meters are not changed, and rate conditions are applied in lower season, according to part of a day:

– Higher rate (VT) from 07.00 till 23.00h

– Lower rate (MT*) from 23.00 till 07.00h



Estimed power Higher rate (VT) Lower rate (MT)
I Rate group 3.30 0.0696 0.0696
II Rate group 5.20 0.0870 0.0435

Electric energy that is delivered on Saturday and Sunday (from Friday at 22 (23)h to Monday at 6 (7)h) and during public holidays is calculated by lower rate conditions (MT) if the customers provide such measuring.