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Usage of electric energy for lighting of city of Banja Luka started long time ago. In 1898, hydro power plant Delibašino selo with two turbines of 300KS each started to work, and 25 years later (1923) thermal power plant of 1100KS was built on Lauš.

At that period of time, construction of city electric net started, and it was developing gradually until World War II. We do not have exact data for consumption before war, but on the basis of peak load and source working regime it was assessed that in 1939 total consumption was about 5.000 MWh. After war consumption decreased, so in 1947 it was about 3.800MWh. “Elektrokrajina” has been in business since 1947, but under different names and with changed activity areas. When World War II ended, National government of Bosnia and Herzegovina brought Regulation on establishing of electric company of Bosnia and Herzegovina “Elektrobih”-Sarajevo with offices and branch-offices.

At that time for canton Banja Luka, branch-office “Elektrobih”-Sarajevo was formed with offices in Banja Luka, Bosanska Dubica, Ljubija, Sanski Most and Stari Majdan. Soon, it is coming to reorganization of “Elektrobih”, independence of offices and transmission under authority of local councils. Therefore, in April 1947 by decision of Government of Bosnia and Herzegovina, office in Banja Luka was turned into “Električno preduzeće”-Banja Luka. With its own production capacities in Delibašino selo and Lauš, it supplied with electric energy wider area of city of Banja Luka. Dependent state company “Elektrokrajina”p.o. Banja Luka was established by Decision of JMDP “Elektroprivreda Republike Srpske” in August 17th 1992. Company’s central office is in Banja Luka, in the street Kralja Petra Karađorđevića no.95.

Dependent state company “Elektrokrajina” p.o. Banja Luka was transformed in stock-company on the basis of Resolution of changing of organizational forms in keeping with regulations of Law of privatization of state capital in companies, and now it is working as Dependent Company “Elektrokrajina” stk. comp. Banja Luka. Stockholders organized in Assembly of stockholders manage the company.

Director of company and executive directors for technical, legal and economic issues manage the company directly. Managers of the Working units, who manage their business in the area of their Working units operatively, represent the next level of management.